We accept payment by MasterCard, Visa, American Express and Discover for online payments. Please check carefully to ensure that you have entered your payment details correctly.
- Error code 822 is an address mismatch. Your postal code (and your address) must be an exact match to the *billing* address on the credit card you’re using for your purchase. If it’s not an exact match, the transaction won’t go through. (This is protecting both parties from credit card fraud.)
- Error code 314 and Error code 697 means your transaction was not authenticated by your financial institution. Please contact them for further information. An example of why they would not authorize the transaction is if there are certain parameters set on your card for online shopping or daily limits.
Please note that in all of these cases, your bank may have temporarily preauthorized the transaction and therefore it will appear to have been deducted from your card. The transaction was not completed and the pre-authorization will reverse shortly (timing depends on your financial institution).
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