Tampa Bay Area Cosplayers & Costumers
will host two
The Jr. Cosplay Runway (Ages 13 and under)
2:30PM in The Panel Room
The Cosplay Runway (Ages 14 and up)
5:30PM in The Panel Room
Entry: FREE!
Download the rules here: CLICK ME!

Join several of our SiestaCon cosplayers as they discuss and answer questions about cosplay!
Time: 11:30AM in The Panel Room
SiestaCON will have two professional photographers on-site to capture the amazing cosplayers who attend.
Let’s Play Dress Up will have a backdrop, lights, and extra costume accessories ready for static shots.

The 501st Legion
“…The 501st Legion is an international costuming organization dedicated to celebrating STAR WARS™ through the creation and use of quality costumes that portray the villainous, morally ambiguous, or non-partisan characters from the STAR WARS™ universe. The Legion promotes interest in STAR WARS and facilitates the use of these costumes for STAR WARS-related events as well as contributes to the local community through costumed charity and volunteer work…”

Tampa Bay Area Cosplayers & Costumers
Tampa Bay Area Cosplayers & Costumers is a guild for costumers of all types. We hold monthly gatherings around the Tampa Bay Area to show off our latest costume projects, talk about our fandoms and generally have a good time. There are no membership fees and membership is open to all age groups but we do ask that all members under the age of 15 please bring their parent or guardian with them to events. You can keep in touch with us via our facebook. For more information please feel free to send us an ask.

SiashiCat is an award winning cosplayer of 12+ years specializing in foam smithing and armor crafting to bring characters to life. As a long-time gamer, she leans towards video game cosplays, her favorite games being World of Warcraft and Skyrim. She is an open book when it comes to advice for new cosplayers or those wanting to get into armor cosplay. She loves to be a part of the community and strives to make the convention scene an accepting and happy place for everyone.

The Outer Rims Guild
The Outer Rim Guilds is a not-for-profit educational organization that specializes in Star Wars costuming, prop creation, acting and choreographed stage combat. The Outer Rim Guilds is composed of and operated by Star Wars fans who love to entertain.
The Outer Rim Guilds is a Lucas Film recognized as a fan based costuming group that follows generally accepted ground rules for Star Wars fan groups. Our members specialize in choreographed stage combat, lightsaber choreography, costume construction, prop creation, set design and hand-to-hand staged combat to entertain patrons at charity events, conventions or other requested appearances.